Please write if you would like to get on our conference mailing list.
Survivorship Notes March/April 2025
Survivorship Conference 2025 Information including speakers.
SMART Celebrates its 30th year publishing
Law enforcement targets online cult communities dedicated to extremely violent child abuse, ‘How I Escaped My Cult’ Trailer Previews 10 Stories of Bravery, Resilience,
The Box: Out of the Impossible | Cult Worshippers – Complex PTSD and DID, What Was Project MKUltra? Inside the CIA’s Mind Control Experiments That May Have Involved Charles Manson
2025 Winter Journal
Dark magic in C. G. Jung’s Black Books: How Masonic rituals and the distortion of Masonic teachings have been used to create a bewildering atmosphere of evil magic in the Black Books by Lynn Brunet (PhD)
The Evolution of CBT From Behavior Therapy to Cognitive Therapies and Beyond
by Dr. Randy Noblitt
Poetry by Wendy Hoffmann
A Book Review - Answer to Jung: Making Sense of the Black Books by Lynn Brunet, PhD by Dr. Randy Noblitt
Survivorship Notes January/February 2025
Information on:
The Survivorship Trafficking and Extreme Abuse Online Conference 2025
Book: Demystifying Mind Control and Ritual Abuse: A Manual for Therapists - Alison Miller
Bill giving ritualistic abusers more time in prison, New bill proposed for Utah to heighten punishment for child torture
CIA Behavior Control Experiments Focus of New Scholarly Collection, Digital National Security Archive (DNSA): CIA and the Behavioral Sciences: Mind Control, Drug Experiments and MKULTRA
Daycare paedophile and child abuse charges.
The Pelicot trial.
New United States child abuse bill, federal oversight of the 'troubled teen' industry.
The Survivorship Trafficking and Extreme Abuse Online Conference 2025
Survivor Conference - Saturday and Sunday May 18 - 19, 2025
This year's topic is "Celebrating the Gains Fighting Ritual Abuse."
Clinician's Conference - Friday May 17, 2025
This year's topic is "Progress Against Extreme Abuse."
Please write if you would like to get on our conference mailing list or if you are interested in attending our conference next year.
Conference Web Page:
Survivorship Notes November/December 2024
Survivorship co-sponsored the SMART 2024 conference. Their
2024 Conference Video Presentations and PowerPoints are available at
Conference speakers and topics included:
Stabilizing and Healing Techniques for Survivors – Dr. Alison Miller
Traces of Masonic Ritual Abuse in Carl Jung’s Red Book and Black Books – Dr. Lynn Brunet
Attachment Relationship in DID: Survival, Destruction and Healing – Adah Sachs PhD
There is a new book by Dr. Alison Miller. Demystifying Mind Control and Ritual Abuse: A Manual for Therapists - Alison Miller Karnac Books July 2024 Information is in this issue of our notes.
2024 Summer Journal
Articles include:
Lies They Tell - Dr. Alison Miller
Extreme Abuse Survivors as an Underserved Community - Dr. Randy Noblitt
Ritual Abuse, Sex Trafficking and Mind Control – Neil Brick
Survivorship-Notes July/August 2024 with information about the SMART Ritual Abuse Conference, the Montreal Mind-Control Experiments and a ritualistic sex abuse case.
The Survivorship Trafficking and Extreme Abuse Online Conference 2024 Presentations Conference Videos and PowerPoints from Dr. Randy Noblitt, Patricia Quinn, Dr. Lynn Brunet, Dr. Rainer Kurz and Neil Brick
Survivorship Notes May/June 2024 with articles about our May Conference, human trafficking and Larry Nassar.
Survivorship Notes March/April 2024 with articles about our May conference, Jeffrey Epstein, a new ritual abuse law, trauma, cults and dissociative identity disorder.
Survivorship 2024 Winter Journal with articles by Dr. Randy Noblitt, Wendy Hoffman and Neil Brick
Survivorship-Notes January/February 2024 with information on Jeffrey Epstein, human trafficking and speakers at our Survivorship Conference 2024
Survivorship-Notes November/December 2023 with information on sex trafficking and survivor videos
The Survivorship of Extreme or Ritualistic Abuse 2023 Online Conference Presentations
Presentations by Lynn Brunet, Neil Brick, Shelby Rising Eagle, Rainer Kurz, Randy Noblitt, Patricia Quinn and Ellen Lacter
Survivorship-Notes September/October 2023 with information about a ritual abuse conference and presentations
2023 Summer Journal with articles by Dr. Randy Noblitt, Dr. Rainer Kurz and Neil Brick
Survivorship Notes July/August 2023 with information on the SMART conference, Survivorship Conference Presentations and the Unabomber and MK-ULTRA
Survivorship Notes May/June 2023 with information on the Survivorship conference and clergy abuse.
2023 Winter Journal - with articles by Dr. Alison Miller, Dr. Randy Noblitt and Dr. Rainer Kurz and Survivor Poetry
Survivorship Notes March/April 2023 Information on the Survivorship and SMART Conferences
Difficult Dates
Survivorship Notes January/February 2023 Word Format
Survivorship Webinar 2022: Healing the Unimaginable: A Ten-Session Course – PowerPoint Text
Survivorship Webinar 2022: Healing the Unimaginable: A Ten-Session Course All ten video sessions and PowerPoints are now available.
Survivorship Webinar 2022:
Healing the Unimaginable: A Ten-Session Course in Treating Survivors of Organized and Extreme Abuse Alison Miller, Ph.D., Retired Psychologist
Alison Miller, Ph.D. is a retired clinical psychologist who practised in Victoria, B.C., Canada and worked with survivors of organized abuse, including ritual abuse and mind control from 1990 to 2017. She has twice chaired the RAMCOA (ritual abuse/mind control/organized abuse) special interest group of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. She is the author of Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control (for therapists), Becoming Yourself: Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse (for survivors), and co-author with survivor Wendy Hoffman of From the Trenches: A Victim and Therapist Talk about Mind Control and Ritual Abuse. She has published several other book chapters and articles, as well as being the originator of the LIFE Seminars parent education programs.
This course is based on Dr. Miller’s 2012 book Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. It incorporates other material from Dr. Miller’s more recent publications and those of others.
It was presented for clinicians in the mental health field. These videos may remind survivors of their trauma. Survivors may want to watch this with a support person. None of the material on this page, on linked pages or at the webinar is meant as therapy, or to take the place of therapy.
Survivorship Notes November/December 2022 Word Format - Information on our 2023 conference, Dr. Alison Miller's workshop, ritual abuse evidence, dissociative identity disorder and memory.
Survivorship Notes September/October 2022 Word Format - Information on Lynn Crook's new book - False Memories - The Deception that Silenced Millions
Survivorship Webinar 2022: Healing the Unimaginable: A Ten-Session Course - Dr. Alison Miller
2022 Survivorship Summer Journal with articles by Dr. Randy Noblitt, Dr. Rainer Kurz and Neil Brick
The Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control 2022 Conference Presentations
Survivorship Notes January/February 2022 Word Format - Information on Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Elizabeth Loftus
The Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control 2021 Conference Presentations
Dissociation of Identity and Trained Trauma-Mediated Behaviors Presenter: Randy Noblitt
Randy Noblitt
Dissociation of Identity and Trained Trauma-Mediated Behaviors 2021 Randy Noblitt - PowerPoint
Dissociation of identity (DI) is a construct proposed (Noblitt & Perskin, 1995; Noblitt & Noblitt, 2000, 2014) to account for some individuals’ experiences and enactments of multiple selves. People who meet the diagnostic criteria for dissociative identity disorder, or other specified dissociative disorder, examples 1, 2, or 4 may also show evidence of DI. The more popular theories of dissociative identity disorder suggest that it is a response to overwhelming trauma or disorganized attachment, but some individuals with DI also report a history of deliberate abuse that involved training to respond with dissociative behaviors to various cues and signals in a ritualized context. This presentation will review the empirical literature related to the credibility of ritual abuse allegations, and provide a clinical methodology for the evaluation and treatment of survivors with behaviors that may be the result of circumscribed traumatic training.
Randy Noblitt is a clinical psychologist and professor of clinical psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) at Alliant International University, Los Angeles. He is the principle author of Navigating Social Security Disability Programs: A Handbook for Clinicians and Advocates (2020) as well as Cult and Ritual Abuse: Narratives, Evidence and Healing Approaches, 3rd Edition (2014). He is the co-editor and a contributor to Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-first Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social and Political Considerations (2008).
Information on Randy Noblitt and His Research
Deliberate Disinformation in the Orkney ritual child abuse case
Presenter: Sarah Nelson
Sarah Nelson
Deliberate Disinformation in the Orkney ritual child abuse case - Sarah Nelson - Word doc
The Orkney child abuse case, a notorious and highly publicised case in the UK from 1991 - 1992, had the 30th anniversary in February this year of nine children being removed into care in “dawn raids” by police and social workers. After claims by three children from another family on South Ronaldsay, part of these northerly Scottish islands, about strange outdoor rituals and organised sexual abuse, grounds for action against their middle class parents and a clergyman referred to “group sexual activity, including ritualistic music, dancing and dress”.
Six weeks later a Scots sheriff called the charges “fatally flawed” and dismissed the case without even hearing the evidence. The children were returned home in a blaze of international publicity. The evidence has never been tested to this day in any criminal or civil court; the parents were considered innocent, receiving an apology and financial compensation afterwards.
The case delivered a hammer blow to child protection against sexual abuse from which it has still not recovered. Anniversaries of the case are replayed in most media complete each time with substantial disinformation, and ridicule and dismissal of “satanic abuse” allegations. This presentation will summarise the main features of the case and describe the elaborate untruths and disinformation created around it from the start.
Dr. Sarah Nelson OBE (Universities of Edinburgh) has written and presented widely for decades on sexual abuse issues. Her research and publications include the voices of young survivors, critiques of current child protection systems, community prevention, ritual and organised abuse, media representations of abuse cases, and adult survivors’ experiences of mental and physical health services. She has also been a professional adviser to the Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament. Her book Tackling Child Sexual Abuse: Radical approaches to prevention, protection and support (Policy Press, UK and University of Chicago press, USA)) was published in 2016.
Self-Esteem Presenter: Wendy Hoffman
Self-Esteem - Wendy Hoffman - Word doc
Programming turns you away from your true self. Programmers and even satanic families do everything they can to make their victims feel bad about themselves, debasing them in every way possible. Deprived of the self-esteem that others take for granted makes surviving victims more vulnerable to programming lies. The hardest job is surviving satanic mind control while receiving little or no compassion, empathy or love. The second hardest job is healing from it. This healing is crucial if you want to belong to yourself, find out who you are, make your own decisions and life choices. It is hard work to explore what perpetrators put in innocent minds. This presentation addresses a preparatory step for this healing work. Before you begin, and even as you proceed, even after you finish, work on assessing how you really are as an individual, your courageous strengths and abilities. This workshop discusses ways survivors can achieve a truer picture of who they are, as well as ways their therapists and supporters can help them.
Wendy Hoffman endured various forms of high level secret mind control, and consequently had amnesia for most of her life. She wants to help and support other survivors in their quests for freedom. Late in life, when she regained memory, she wrote books about what she had been forced to forget or dissociate. Among her published books are the memoirs, The Enslaved Queen (2014) and White Witch in a Black Robe (2015), as well Forceps, poems about the birth of the self (2016), and a co-authored book of essays with Alison Miller, From the Trenches (2018). Her third memoir, A Brain of My Own with an Afterword by Alison Miller is forthcoming. She has a LCSW-C and decades of experience, a MA and MFA.
Mind Control and How to Stop it Presenter: Neil Brick
Mind Control and How to Stop it - Neil Brick - PowerPoint
This presentation explained how mind control and different suggestive techniques work in a variety of individual and public settings. These will include interpersonal relationships, abusive relationships, ritual abuse settings, social media, political manipulation and hypnosis. Ways to expose and prevent mind control will be discussed. Social views of mind control will be presented.
Neil Brick is a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control. His work continues to educate the public about child abuse, trauma and ritual abuse crimes. His child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter S.M.A.R.T. has been published for over 26 years.
You’re Not Who They Said You Are: My Battles For Freedom and Justice Through Perseverance and Exposing the Truth
Presenter: Olivia
In this presentation, she gave a broad overview of surviving 40 plus years of satanic ritual abuse and mind control. Her primary focus will be on the past four years when she made the decision and commitment to reclaim her core identity, at all costs. She believes that all survivors possess a spirit of resiliency that enabled them to live through the traumas the first time and with that same resiliency they have what they need to fight for their own truth and to take back their own life. Her journey to freedom and healing has not been absent of pain, fear, grief, loss and rejection, to name a few. It was her conscious decision to fight back and to pursue vindication not only for herself but for other survivors and has been key in her process to healing.
Olivia is a survivor of satanic ritual abuse and mind control at the government level. Through her own experiences, she has gained extensive knowledge into many elements that encompass and keep intact such an evil and complex system. With courage, perseverance and commitment into her own journey to freedom and healing, she has chosen to break her own silence and to be the voice for the many survivors who have not yet been heard and are far too afraid to be seen. Her mission in life is to educate others based on her experiences and to be an advocate for those who are suffering and remain largely misunderstood, silenced and, too often, rejected. Olivia’s desire is to use her story as a source of strength, determination and compassion with the hopes of shedding light into the darkness that she has known all too well.
The Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control 2020 Conference Presentations
5 Common Mistakes in Trauma Treatment - Dr. Karol Darsa - Survivorship Conference May 2020
Survivors may want to read or watch the material on this page with a safe support person as this material may remind people of their programming. None of the material on this page, on linked pages or from the conference is meant as therapy, or to take the place of therapy.
Extreme Abuse Survivors, Social Security Benefits, and Ethical Practice - Dr. Randy Noblitt and Pamela Perskin Noblitt
Survivors may want to read or watch the material on this page with a safe support person as this material may remind people of their programming. None of the material on this page, on linked pages or from the conference is meant as therapy, or to take the place of therapy.
Eating Disorders and Dissociative Identity Disorder - Sherry Fleming, MFT
Survivors may want to read or watch the material on this page with a safe support person as this material may remind people of their programming. None of the material on this page, on linked pages or from the conference is meant as therapy, or to take the place of therapy.
Misinformation Campaigns Against Survivors - Neil Brick
Misinformation Campaigns Against Survivors - Neil Brick - 2020 Presentation - PowerPoint
Survivors may want to read or watch the material on this page with a safe support person as this material may remind people of their programming. None of the material on this page, on linked pages or from the conference is meant as therapy, or to take the place of therapy.
Identifying the Personality Systems of Mind Control Survivors and Trauma Treatment - Cristina Mardirossian, LMFT
Survivorship Notes
PowerPoints from The Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control 2019 Conference
None of the material on this page, on linked pages or at the conference is meant as therapy, or to take the place of therapy. Please use caution, these may be triggering.
Deception by Organized Abuser Groups Helping Yourself and Your Clients Think Through the Issues by Alison Miller
Deception by Organized Abuser Groups: Helping Your Front People and Your Insiders Recognize the Lies and Tricks Which Keep You Enslaved by Dr. Alison Miller
The Use of Music and other Auditory Stimuli in Psychological Therapy with Extreme Abuse Survivors by Randy Noblitt
A Survivor's View of Recovery from Ritual Abuse by Neil Brick
Two conference PowerPoint presentations:
The Credibility of Ritual Abuse Allegations Presenter: Randy Noblitt, PhD Synopsis: To what extent do mental health and other helping professionals believe the stories of ritual abuse survivors? This presentation systematically reviews the empirical research on the credibility of ritual abuse allegations. After presenting the findings there will be a discussion that welcomes the opinions of the attendees regarding their own conclusions including considerations of the community standard, professional ethics, related forensic questions, and advocacy for extreme abuse survivors.
Changes in Awareness of Severe Abuse and Child Abuse Crimes Over Twenty Five Years Presenter: Neil Brick The awareness of severe abuse and child abuse crimes has changed over the last 25 years. In the early 1990s, severe abuse survivors were often believed and supported. Then a backlash started and severe abuse survivors and their supporters were harassed and attacked. The child abuse survivor movement changed and adapted. Ten years ago, research began again to help expose severe abuse crimes. This presentation will discuss the changes of the last 25 years.
Video Presentations from The Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control 2017 Conference
Online conference presentations from Wendy Hoffman and Alison Miller are at:
• Survivorship Notes and Journals are now online.