How to Join Survivorship

The rates for Survivorship membership are on a sliding scale based on ability to pay beginning from $75.00 down to what you think you can afford, including complimentary memberships.

We ask that health-care professionals contribute towards gift memberships.

We regret that we are not able to provide services or include members under the age of 18.


1. First, pick a membership type. Regular members will receive the Survivorship Journal and Notes information by email and can read both on our web site and can use our website. We no longer have paper Journals or Notes.

Members choose an anonymous username so that they can use the Members’ Only section of the web site. Older back issues of the Notes and Journals and past webinars are available in the Members’ Only Section.

2. Decide whether you want to pay by PayPal, check or money order. PayPal accepts charge cards. If you want to pay using PayPal, please copy and fill out the form below, email it to, and then click here to make your payment. PayPal is the fastest way to become a member.

Please email the form below to our address.  Thank you.

NOTE: We are all volunteers, so please be patient. We will reply as soon as we can. We may be asking you questions prior to membership acceptance, so please remember to add a working email to the application form below.

(To e-mail this to Survivorship, please cut and paste the form below into your e-mail.)

Name ________________________________________________________

The username I would like to use for membership (please make this an anonymous one):


Organization (if applicable) _______________________________________

City _________________________________________________________

State __________________

e-mail _______________________________________________________

Donation $_____________

Total enclosed $______________________

You may also e-mail the information on this form to