The Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control 2017 Conference
May 19 - 21, 2017
Video Presentations from The Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control 2017 Conference
Ritual Abuse Evidence
There was a clinician’s conference on Friday, May 19, 2017 for licensed clinicians and students in the field. Alison Miller presented a full day presentation at this conference.
Working with Deliberately Structured Personality Systems
Many therapists working with dissociative disorders have encountered clients with very complex, structured and layered personality systems created by organized perpetrator groups. This workshop will describe the characteristics of such systems as reported by survivors: the internalized structures or "worlds" where parts believe they live, the internal leadership and hierarchies, the "jobs" assigned to parts by perpetrators, and the security precautions embedded into such personality systems. We shall look at what survivors report about the methods by which such systems are created, the childhood and ongoing indoctrination, and the training or "programming" of parts to do their "jobs." Effective treatment involves working with the internal leadership to turn off and eventually dismantle the programming, while maintaining physical safety as much as possible.
Dr. Alison Miller has a Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia and is a semi-retired psychologist in private practice in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. She has worked with survivors of ritual abuse and mind control since 1991. She has been a fellow of the ISST-D (International Society for the Study of Trauma & Dissociation) since 2013. She is a member of the Board of Directors of Survivorship, a member of the advisory board of the Eleos Support Network (for ritual abuse), and the 2017 Chair of the Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Special Interest Group of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. Her books include: Becoming Yourself: Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse (for survivors), and Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control (for therapists). She has contributed chapters on ritual abuse and mind control to Noblitt & Noblitt's Ritual Abuse in the 21st Century (2008), Breitenbach's Inside Views from the Dissociated Worlds of Extreme Violence: Human Beings as Merchandise (2015), Sinason & van der Merwe's Shattered: Multiple Selves, Multiple Voices - speaking on behalf of silenced survivors (2016), and (with Heather Gingrich) Gingrich & Gingrich's Treating Trauma in Christian Counselling (to be published in 2017).
We had two days of survivor and professional workshops on Saturday May 20 and Sunday May 21, 2017 with excellent prices, good food, a safe environment and the chance to work with others who are survivors.
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Speaker List for the Saturday and Sunday Conference
The weekend conference is for survivors and their helpers.
Alison Miller (please see biography above):
Confronting the Spiritual Issues in Ritual Abuse
Survivors of abuse by ritualistic organized perpetrator groups report numerous experiences designed to destroy their spiritual integrity and leave them believing that they are so evil that no one but the perpetrators will accept them. These experiences include simulation of religious figures such as God, Jesus, and Satan, and the afterlife including heaven and hell; designation of certain internal parts of the victim to be demons or have "demonic attachments," and most chillingly, forced childhood participation in rape and murder followed by systematic shaming of the victim as "evil." Many parts of each survivor believe the perpetrators' lies about how evil he or she must be. These experiences raise existential questions for survivors, such as why such things happen, why there is no divine intervention, and why such groups continue to exist without being stopped. We shall look at various ways of making meaning of such experiences, and whether these ways deal effectively with the horror of spiritual abuse.
Wendy Hoffman
Dirty Therapy
We know that satanic cult perpetrator groups infiltrate the very professions and organizations that survivors turn to for help. Survivors in general often look for therapeutic assistance. Consequently, these criminal groups have set up some of their members to become therapists and to lead therapy groups. Even when we think that we are in a safe environment, what we sometimes find are people re-programming us and closing us down. There are still many safe and competent therapists working in the field of mind control. In this presentation, I will talk about some of the professionals I was sent to, how I was ordered to go and what they did to re-assert barriers in my mind. Being aware of these dangers helps survivors to elude them. The underlying issue of betrayal will also be considered. Audience participation is encouraged.
Wendy Hoffman somehow survived various forms of high level secret mind control. She tried all her life to get free and has finally succeeded. Now she wants to help and support other survivors in their quest for freedom. She is a LCSW-C with decades of experience and is the author of The Enslaved Queen, a Memoir about Electricity and Mind Control, published in 2014, White Witch in a Black Robe, a True Story about Criminal Mind Control, 2015, as well as her book of poetry, Forceps, 2016, all published by Karnac Books, London.
Neil Brick
Freedom from Mind Control
Subliminal methods and mind control influence our lives in all areas. Social and cultural forms of mind control keep us from growing as human beings. These forms of control make it difficult for us to grow and learn as survivors. They make it more difficult to work through our cult control programming to free our minds and our lives. Recovery techniques will be discussed that can help survivors and others break through their mind control programs and influences.
Neil Brick is a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control. His work continues to educate the public about child abuse, trauma and ritual abuse crimes. His child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter S.M.A.R.T. has been published for over 20 years.
Survivorship is one of the oldest and most respected organizations supporting survivors of extreme child abuse, including sadistic sexual abuse, ritualistic abuse, mind control, and torture. Survivorship provides resources, healing, and community for survivors; training and education for professionals who may serve survivors; and support for survivors' partners and other allies. The organization functions as a support for survivors who may be isolated emotionally or geographically. Through community outreach and training, Survivorship also raises awareness about these difficult issues. The purpose of the conference is to help survivors of ritual abuse and their allies. The conference is for survivors, co-survivors, supporters, helping professionals and others interested in this topic.