Healing Resources

Web Sites: Healing Resources

These web pages are listed for your information only. None are meant to take the place of professional help. If you have any questions, please write info@survivorship.org 

Ritual Abuse website links can be found here.

Survivorship BlogSurvivorship's blog is at https://survivorshipwp.wordpress.com

Survivorship on TwitterSurvivorship on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Survivorshiporg

 Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery

Alcoholics Anonymous https://www.aa.org/
Narcotics Anonymous www.na.org/


Body Work

Sundown Healing Arts. Body work for trauma survivors. https://www.traumahealed.com


Sidran Institute publishes books on healing from incest and offers referrals and resources across the country. https://www.traumaticstressinstitute.org/sidran-redirect/


Melody Beattie.  Her website has information about her books (Codependent No More, Beyond Codependency, and a daily reader, The Language of Letting Go)  She gives writing workshops now too. www.melodybeattie.com
ACOA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) www.adultchildren.org
CODA (Codependents Anonymous) www.coda.org

Daily Housekeeping Tips

Housekeeping Tips for Less Stress https://stress.about.com/od/managetimeorganize/a/housekeeping.htm
Housekeeping Channel: Better, Faster, Healthier housekeeping https://www.housekeepingchannel.com/searches_housekeeping_tips

Eating Disorders

OA (Overeaters Anonymous) https://www.oa.org

Emotional Abuse

Andrew Vachss' site The Zero https://www.vachss.com/av_dispatches/disp_9408_a.html

Food Addiction Recovery

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous-FA is a 12-step program of recovery for anyone who suffers from overeating, under eating, bulimia, or obsession with food, weight or body size.  There are no dues or fees, and meetings are open to anyone who wants to stop eating addictively.


LGBT Health Channel Extensive information, with forums. https://www.lgbthealthchannel.com
People with a History The history of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgendered people, with discussions and hundreds of original texts. All periods and all regions of the world. https://www.fordham.edu/halsall/pwh/index.html


1 In 6 Jim Hopper's site for men who were sexually abused in childhood. Hotline, excellent articles, sections for survivors, family, partners and friends. https://www.1in6.org/

Male Survivor: Discussion boards and chat rooms for professionals and survivors, find a therapist or support, other resources.


Mike Skinner is a musician and an activist who talks and sings about recovery from abuse, trauma, and mental health mistreatment. www.mskinnermusic.com

Pregnancy and Parenting

Keep Kids Healthy A general parenting guide, with links. https://www.keepkidshealthy.com

Prostitution/Pornography Recovery

Lola Greene Baldwin Foundation for Recovery: Excellent, empowering essays, resources for prostitution survivors and their allies. https://www.prostitutionrecovery.org

Self Injury

SIARI (Self-Injury and Related Issues): www.selfinjurysupport.org.uk

Sexual Abuse Recovery

Survivors of Incest Anonymous:
A Twelve-Step approach to healing. Meetings called “Nothing Too Heavy to Share” welcome RA survivors. https://www.siawso.org/
Survivors Healing Center:
A Santa Cruz, CA based organization with resources for men and women survivors. https://www.survivorshealingcenter.org
ASCA Meetings and resources for adult survivors of sexual abuse. https://www.ascasupport.org/


Suicide: Read this first. A personal, non-shaming approach to suicidality. https://www.metanoia.org/suicide/

Support Forums

Abuse Survivors Learning to Thrive: