Difficult Dates
Various Satanic Calendars
You will notice that there is a lot of overlap between these calendars. It may be that some versions evolved from earlier ones, without attribution of sources. There are other urls with satanic calendars, but they are duplicates of these. If you find one that is different, please write info@survivorship.org Thank you!
Please be careful reading these calendars. Unlike the main Survivorship calendar, they describe acts of abuse that are said to occur on the dates cited.
1. From Bread on the Waters:
Officer Sandi Gallant
Believe the Children
San Francisco Police
Dept. P.O. Box 26-8462
also Intelligence Division
Chicago, Illinois 60626
(415) 553-1133 (708) 515-5432
also Dale W. Griffis, PhD.
Box 309
Tiffin, Ohio 44883
Note: None of these people, organizations, or law enforcement departments can be contacted any more.
Satanists and witches celebrate eight major Sabbats during the year. Each one holds special significance to them. In addition, Satanists hold a member’s birth date in reverence. On these dates there should be a significant amount of activity among traditional worshipers of Satanism and witchcraft. If bizarre rituals are to occur, within organized satanic groups, they will most likely occur on or about one of these dates.
January 1st (New Years Day) A druid (spirit) Feast Day (lights fires on hill tops).
January 7th (St. Winebald Day) Animal or Human Sacrifice/Dismemberment (use a human male adult). Age 15-33.
January 17th Satanic Revels Celebrated- Sexual (oral/anal/vaginal). Use Females Age 7- 17.
January 20th (St. Agnes’s Eve) Divination (see future husband). Cast spells.
February 2nd (Candlemas) - One of the Witches Sabbats (Sexual-oral/anal/Vaginal). Uses Females Age 7-17.
February 25th (St. Walpugis Day) Host of Blood and Dismemberment. Uses animals.
March 1st (St. Eichatadt) Drinking of human blood for strength and homage to Demons. Use both Males and Females.
March 20th (Feast Day) - Spring Equinox. Orgies.
April 24th (St. Mark’s Eve) Divining/Herb gathering APRIL 26--31ST (GRAND CLIMAX/DA MUER) Corpus de Baahl. Uses Females Age 1-25.
MAY 1st (BELTANE-- MAY DAY) Fire festival (same as above).
June 21st (Feast Day) - Summer solstice. Orgies.
June 23rd (midsummer’s Eve or St. John’s Eve) most important time for the practice of Magic-fire festival.
July 1st (Demon Revels Celebrated) Druids Sexual Sensual Association with the Demons. Use Females of any age.
July 25th (St James’ Day) Gathering of Herbs.
August 1st (Lammas) --Great Sabbat. Feast of the Sun God. The beginning of autumn and the harvest season.
August 3rd (Satanic Revels) - use Females Age 7 -17. Oral/Anal/Vaginal.
August 24th (St. Bartholomew’s Day) - Great Sabbat and Fire Festival. Large herb gathering.
September 7th (Marriage to the Beast Satan) - Sacrifice/Dismemberment. Female child under the age of 21.
September 20th (midnight Host) - Dismemberment. Hands planted. Use Female child under the age of 21.
September 22nd (Feast Day) - Fall/Autumn Equinox. Orgies.
October 29 - November 1st (All Hallows Eve) - Sexual climax, sensual association with the demons. Use any human male or female.
October 31st (Halloween) - Great Sabbat and Fire Festival. Night dead thought to return to earth.
November 4th (Satanic Revels) Sexual oral/anal/vaginal. Use Females After 7-17.
December 21st (St. Thomas’ Day) - Great Sabbat and Fire Festival.
December 24th - (Demon Revels/Da Muer) - High Grand Climax. Use Males or Females.
Individuals Birthday - Highest of all holidays - involves victim and someone in authority.
Shrovetide (3 days before Ash Wednesday) Another witches Sabbat date.
Good Friday/Black Mass
Easter -- Children given to High Priest (rebirth to Satan).
Add five weeks and one day to dates will present the Grand Climax to all underworld Demons.
All holidays’ dates change from year to year according to the satanic calendar and differ from cult to cult.
2. From The Forbidden Knowledge:
7 - St Winebald day: Blood rituals, dismemberment. Animal/human sacrifice.
17 - Satanic revels: Sexual rituals.
20 - 26: Sacrifice preparation: kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for human sacrifice.
26 - The Da Muer ritual: Grand climax. Sex rituals and human sacrifice of woman/child.
2 - Candlemass: Mass initiation of new members and animal or human sacrifice.
1 - St Eichatadt Day: Blood rituals involving the drinking of human blood for strength and homage/honours to demons.
20 - Vernal/Spring Equinox: A feast day involving orgies and animal or human sacrifice.
24 - Feast of the beast: A sixteen year old girl becomes the bride of satan in a marriage ceremony.
Easter Week-end: Black mass/black sabbath. To mock the death of Jesus Christ, a man is sacrificed on Good Friday. On Easter Sunday, known to satanists as unholy sunday, a woman or man is sacrificed followed by three days of fasting and chanting.
19 - 25 Sacrifice preparation: kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for human sacrifice.
25 The Da Muer ritual: Grand climax. Sex rituals and sacrifice of a woman or young girl.
30 Walpurgis night/Beltane: One of the most important nights on the satanic calendar. Blood rituals and human sacrifice take place.
24 Ascension day: Rituals to mock the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven.
17 Corpus Christi: Feast to mock the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
21 St John's Eve: Feast day with orgies and animal or human sacrifice.
1 Demon revels: Blood rituals and sexual relations with demons.
20 - 27 Sacrifice preparation: Kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for sacrifice.
27 Grand climax: Sexual rituals and female sacrifice.
1 Lammas day: Animal or human sacrifice.
3 Satanic revels: Sexual ritual.
20 Autumnal Equinox: Midnight host. Blood ritual. Dismemberment of corpses: hands are removed from hand of glory rituals. Cannibalism usually occurs.
23 Feast day and sexual orgies, with human sacrifice.
22 - 29 Sacrifice preparation: kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for human sacrifice.
28 - 30 Satanist high unholy days: Related to halloween. Human sacrifices.
31 All hallow's Eve (Halloween): One of the two most important nights of the year. Attempts are made to break the bond which is keeping the doors to the underworld closed. Blood and sexual rituals. Sexual association with demons. Animal and human sacrifice - male or female.
1 - 3 High unholy days: Related to halloween. Human sacrifices.
22 Summer Solstice: Animal and human sacrifices are made.
24 Demon revels: Male and female sacrifice.
25 Yuletide: Celebration of the birth of the sun as a young babe to the great goddess. The satanist's own birthday is very important. The satanist says: "Every man is a god if he chooses to recognise himself as one". (LaVey, the satanic bible).
2 February: Candlemas
April (varies): Good Friday
30 April: May night/Maypole dance
1 May: Beltane (May day)
21 June: St John's Eve
1 August: Lammas
31 October: Halloween
1 December: St Thomas day
3. From Stew Webb:
Date Celebrated – Type – Usage – Age
Jan 1-7 Winebald Day Blood Animal or MaleHuman sacrifice
Jan 17 Satanic Revels Sexual Oral/Anal Female7-17yrs
Feb 2 Candlemas Sexual Oral/Anal 7-17yrs
Mar 2-3 St. Eichatadt Blood Drinking of Female Blood for 7-18yrs Strength,Homage to Satan.
March 20 Feast Day Orgies Homage to Satan
April 30 Walpurgis Blood Blacksabbath Female Human Sac. Infant
May 1 Beltanc Blood Human Sac. Infant
June 21 Feast Day Orgies & Female Blood Human Sac Infant
Jul 1 Demon Revel Blood Droids sexual Femalesensual association with the Demons any age
Aug 1 Lammas Sexual Satanic Male orSummer Female
Aug 3 Satanic Revels Blood Human or Male or Animal Sac. Female
Sept 7 Marriage to Blood Mid Blacksabbath F-18yrs the Beast, Satan Sexual Sac. & Dismemberment
Sept 20 Midnight Host Blood Dismemberment F 7-17 Hands Planted yrs
Sept 22 Feast Day Orgies Fall/Autumn Equinox
Oct 31 All Hollow's Blood Feast of thedead M or F Sacrifice Human Child to Adult 7-18yrs
Dec 22 Winter Solstice Blood Human Sac. M-F Infant
Dec 24 Demon Revel Da Mar High Grand M or F
4. From Care1:
Calendar compiled by Melody, a survivor, 1/93
Date Celebration – Type – Usage – Age
Jan 1 New Year's Day – Druid Feast Day –Age15-33
Jan 7 St. Winebald Day –blood –animal and/or human sacrifice and dismemberment –(male, if human)
Jan 17 Satanic Revels –sexual oral, anal, vaginal –Age7-17 female
Jan 20-27 –Abduction, ceremonial preparation and holding of sacrificial victim for Candlemas –sexual and blood oral, anal, vaginal – human sacrifice –female or child (any age)
Jan 29 St. Agnes Eve –casting of spells
Feb. 2 Candlemas –(Sabbat Festival) –blood animal and/or human sacrifice
Feb. 2 Satanic Revels –sexual –oral, anal, vaginal –Age 7-17 female
Feb. 25 St. Walpurgis Day –blood –communion of blood and dismemberment –any age
Mar. 1 St. Eichatadt –blood –drinking of human blood for strength and homage to the demons – any age (male or female)
Mar. 15,17 Eides
Mar. 20 date varies – Spring Equinox – (Sabbat Festival) (Major fertility Sabbat) – orgies: oral, anal, vaginal – any age (male or female, human or animal)
Shrovetide - three days before Ash Wednesday (which is a Witch Sabbat) – date varies
Good Friday – Day of Passion – (death of Christ) – blood: human sacrifice – male only (adult)
date varies Easter Eve Day – blood – human sacrifice – male or female (adult)
Apr 21-26 Abduction, ceremonial preparation and holding of sacrificial victim
Apr 24 St. Mark's Eve – divining and herb gathering
Apr 26 - May 1 Grand Climax De Meur – oral, anal, vaginal
Corpus De Baah – -25 (female) Apr 30 Walpurgisnacht – Roodmas Day – blood – animal and/or human sacrifice – any age
Beltane Eve (often celebrated with a festival that includes bonfires and fertility rites) – greatest Witches Sabbat
May 1 Beltane – Walpurgis Day – May Day – Druid Fire Festival – Coven Initiations
Jun 21 (date varies) – Feast Day – (Summer Solstice) – orgies – oral, anal, vaginal animal and/or human sacrifice – any age (male or female or animal)
Jul 1 Demons Revel – blood – Druid sexual association with demons – any age (female)
Jul 20-26 Abduction, ceremonial preparation and holding of sacrificial victim for Grand Climax
Jul 25 St. James Day – gathering of herbs
Jul 27 Grand Climax (5 weeks, 1 day after summer solstice) Da Meur – oral, anal, vaginal – human sacrifice – female (child or adult)
Aug 1 Lammas Day – (Sabbat Festival) blood – animal and/or human sacrifice – any age (male or female) – (Feast of Sun God, Harvest seasons begin)
Aug 3 Satanic Revels – sexual oral, anal, vaginal – 7-17 (female)
Aug 24 St. Bartholomew's Day – (Great Sabbat and Fire festival – large herb gathering
Sep 7 Marriage to the Beast – sexual sacrifice, dismemberment – infant - 21 (female)
Sep 21 Midnight Host – blood – dismemberment and hands removed for Hand of Glory – (female)
Sep 22 (date varies) Feast Day – (fall equinox) – orgies – oral, anal, vaginal – any age
Oct 13 - 30 Preparation for all Hallows Eve, Samhain (Halloween) – Abduction, holding and ceremonial preparation of individual for human sacrifice (13 -Backward Halloween Date)
Oct 28-30 Satanist High Holy Day (related to Halloween) – blood – human sacrifice each day – any age (male or female)
Oct 30-31 All Hallows Eve and Halloween Night – blood and sexual – sexual climax, association with the demons, animal and/or human sacrifice – any age (male or female and/or animal)
Nov 1 Satanist High Holy Day (related to Halloween) – blood – human sacrifice – any age (male or female)
Nov 4 Satanic Revels – sexual – oral, anal, vaginal – 7-17 (female)
Dec 22 Winter Solstice (Sabbat Festival) (Feast Day) orgies – oral, anal, vaginal – any age (male or female, human or animal)
Dec 24 Demon Revels Da Meur High Grand Climax – any age (male or female, human and/or animal) Christmas Eve – blood – Receive body parts as Christmas gifts – infant male
1. The highest ritual holiday is the member's birthday. It usually involves the member or a victim of the member's choice and someone in authority, usually the coven's leader.
2. The first and third of every month. Put 1 and 3 together and it makes 13, though ritual/worship can occur at anytime, frequently coinciding with times of stress.
3. All Friday the 13th's are high satanic days.
4. All full-moon nights provide reason for major occult activity (easiest to move around without difficulty and without being detected).
5. Holy week (Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday). Some groups are
thought to sacrifice, cook and eat a human baby on Easter Sunday.
5. From Krankiboy:
This Satanic ritual calendar was compiled from seized sources by a member of a major metropolitan U.S. police department. It is being circulated by Ted Gundersen, retired FBI agent and investigator of Satanic crimes, who has appeared on the Geraldo Rivera show.
Jan. 7 St. Winebald Day Blood (if human) Animal or Human Sacrifice Male
Jan. 17 Satanic Revels Sexual Oral/Anal/Vaginal Female 7-17 yrs
Feb. 2 Satanic Revels Sexual Oral/Anal/Vaginal Female 7-17
Feb. 25 St. Walpurgis Day Blood Host of Blood and Dismemberment Animal
Mar. 1 St. Eichatadt Blood Drinking of Human Blood for Strength and Homage to the Demons Male or Female
Mar. 20 Feast Day Orgies — Spring Equinox —
April 19-26 Preparation for the Sacrifice
April 26-31 Grand Climax Da Muer Corpus de Baal Oral/Anal/Vaginal Female 1-25 yrs
Jun. 21 Feast Day Orgies - Summer Solstice -
Jul. 1 Demon Revels Blood Droids Sexual Sensual Association with the Demons Female any age
Aug. 3 Satanic Revels Sexual Oral/Anal/Vaginal F 1-17
Sep. 7 Marriage to the Beast Satan Sexual Sacrifice Dismemberment Female under 21
Sep. 20 Midnight Host Blood Dismemberment Hands Planted Female
Sep. 22 Feast Day Orgies - Fall/Autumn Equinox -
Oct. 29-Nov. 1 All Hallow’s Blood & Sexual Climax/Sensual Assoc. with the Sexual Demons Any Human M or F
Nov. 4 Satanic Revels Sexual Oral/Anal/Vaginal F 7-17
Dec. 8 Picnic of Tortured Souls - Skinning and Burning of Virgin Female 7-17
Dec. 22 Feast Day Orgies - Winter Solstice -
Dec. 24 Demon Revels Da Muer High Grand Climax M or F
Satanists and witches celebrate eight major Sabbats during the year. Each one holds special significance to them. In addition, Satanists hold a member’s birthdate in reverence. On these dates there should be a significant amount of activity amongst traditional worshippers of Satanism and witchcraft. If bizarre rituals are to occur, within organized satanic groups, they will most likely occur on or about one of these dates.